2015年7月19日 星期日

畢業(Graduation) & 畢典(Commencement) - 大不同(Difference)

The summer means for free but also be referred to as leaving, because it's the coming season of graduation.

但在英文裡 Graduation 和 Commencement 有甚麼樣的不同呢?
But what's the different between  Graduation and Commencement?
Here are some examples to explain the difference:

       Commencement 這個字,我們把它稱為「畢業典禮 或者是「開始 的意思。對畢業生來說是一個嶄新的開始也希望給即將畢業的學生在形式上的一個慶祝活動。大部分都是在下學期的尾巴約五六月左右舉辦的。
       The word, "commencement" means "commencement ceremony" or "beginning". For all the graduates, commencement marks the beginning of a new stage of life, and also wish to give them a formal activity to celebrate. Most of time, ceremonies are held in May or June in the end of a semester. 
[They're throwing their caps represents graduation by G.Y Huang]

       On that day,  all graduates are required to put on  academic dresses, which include a long loose gown, different color separate hood, and a stupid mortarboard cap. It seems like we're in Hogwarts school, but don't have any special wand and invisible cloak.

[The commencement ceremony in National Chiao Tung University by G.Y Huang]

      During the ceremony, graduates proceed across the stage and accept president or dean who presents the diploma or degree,  shifts the location of their tassel from the right side to the left, that means representing the formal completion of study. Generally, colleges or universities will invite distinguished alumnus or notable figures to give commencement speeches to the students.
like J.K Rowling was invited in Harvard graduation speech in 2008.

 [The remarking ceremony in National Dong Hwa University by B.H Huang]

'The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Important of  Imagination'

完整影片如下(轉貼自 Mark tw 翻譯):

       然而 Graduation 則是我們說的「畢業離校」,原則上都是在畢業典禮之後,必須把你學分修完才能跟學校申請。所以有些人就會開玩笑說:「畢業典禮是假的,拿到證書才是真的。 
       However, Graduation refers to the term in which you successfully completed all of your graduation requirements, and generally will be the date after your commencement ceremony. So someone likes to make fun says: 'walking in commencement doesn't mean you've graduated.'

* commencement(n.) 畢業典禮
* ceremony(n.) 典禮/儀式
* graduation(n.) 畢業
* graduates(n.) 指全體畢業生

* loose(adj.) 寬鬆的
* gown(n.) 女性長禮服/也可指畢業禮服
* hood(n.) 外套後面的帽子/也可指畢業生的披肩
* mortarboard cap 畢業生的學士帽
* wand(n.) 棒/杖
* cloak(n.) 斗篷

* president(n.) 在這指大學校長 /  principle(n.) 則可指中小學校長
* dean(n.) 在這指系主任 
* alumnus(n.) 校友
* tassel(n.) 畢業帽上的流蘇
* notable figures 重要人士

# be referred to as 把......當成/視為